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How to Properly Store Neodymium Arc Magnets?

1. Use separators to isolate
Non-magnetic separators: Place non-magnetic separators such as wood, plastic or cardboard between magnets. This helps reduce the magnetic attraction between magnets, making them easier and safer to handle.
Prevent direct contact: Make sure the magnets do not touch each other directly, which can prevent them from suddenly sticking together and causing wear or shattering.

2. Store in a sturdy container
A box suitable for magnets: Use a sturdy container to store magnets, preferably made of non-magnetic materials. Metal containers should be avoided as metals can easily become magnetized.
Mark containers: Clearly mark the containers with warning signs to alert anyone handling the magnets to their strong magnetism.

3. Keep away from electronic devices and magnetic storage devices
Safe distance: Store magnets away from electronic devices such as computers, smartphones and hard drives as strong magnetic fields may cause device damage or data loss.
Effects on sensitive devices: Also avoid storing them near magnetic storage devices such as credit cards and tapes.

4. Temperature considerations
Store at room temperature: Magnets should be stored at room temperature. Extreme temperatures may affect their magnetic capabilities. Avoid storing them in environments above 80°C (176°F) or below -40°C (-40°F).

5. Avoid moisture and corrosion
Dry environment: Keep magnets stored in a dry environment to prevent rust and corrosion. If the magnets are not coated, consider using a desiccant pack in the storage container to absorb moisture.
Protective coating: If possible, choose magnets with a protective coating such as nickel, zinc, or epoxy to increase their corrosion resistance.
Shielding the magnetic field

6. Magnetic shielding materials: Use magnetic shielding materials such as nickel-iron alloy (Mu metal) or steel plates to store magnets to control their magnetic field. This is especially important when close to sensitive equipment or other magnetic materials.
Faraday cage: For maximum safety, consider storing magnets in a Faraday cage to completely shield any magnetic interference.
Safety precautions

7. Gloves and eye protection: Always wear gloves and eye protection when handling and storing magnets to prevent accidental adsorption or breakage that could cause injury.
Secure Storage Area: Store magnets in a secure area not easily accessible to unauthorized persons, especially children. Neodymium magnets can pose a serious health risk if swallowed.

Neodymium Arc Magnet

Neodymium arc magnets or neodymium segment magnets, can be seen as a part of neodymium ring magnets or neodymium disc magnets. They are made of high-quality neodymium magnets containing the elements neodymium, iron, and boron. NdFeB magnets are permanent magnets and the most widely used type of rare earth magnets. Neodymium arc magnets are mostly used in voice coil motor, permanent magnet motors, generators, wind turbines, torque couplings, and other applications.